SINOPTIC is manufacturer of
whole units family - dedicated to mimic boards. They can receive, convert
and display analogue and digital data. Every unit have own RS485 port to
comumunicate with system (MODBUS, PROFIBUS and others)
controller - Z12LED64

64 independently controlled
outputs (possibility of controll 64 LED modules)
static outputs with common anode
(not multiplexed)
output current: 15mA
anti-short-circuit outputs
possibility of programmed flash
controll (or other visual effects)
small size and possibility of
easy install on standard bus
easy installation of receivers (e.g.
LED modules) thanks to separate slots
power supply 12V DC
correct work controll and
automatic restart system
interface RS-485 (half-duplex)
possibility of easy addressing up
to 127 identical controllers
Controller Z12LED64 is based on ATMEL 89C2051 microcomputer. It
controlls whole system (e.g. twoway interface RS-485, LED controll system,
correct work controll system). Except this Z12LED64 contains digital systems
powar supply module, generator, DIP-switch (to address the controller), and
slots to connecting LED modules (64), RS-485 and power. Controller is plased
in open case with catches to installing on standard bus.
Controller is used in automatics and telecommunication systems, primarily in
mimic boards. It may by used wherever needs to controll any low power elements Communication:
Datatransfer with controller is realised with RS-485 port. It may use
standard (e.g. MODBUS RTU) or specialistic (e.g. MCprotocol) trensmission
protocols. It's possible to create quite new software to realise special
customers requirements. |